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1. Introduction

This project realizes the PETRA IV motion control project using DAMC-MOTCTRL Board.

The main goal is to provide synchronous stepper motor control using optical links. ZMX+ Motor Driver cards that are sitting inside DESY ZMX Crate will be used to turn the motors. DESY ZMX Crate and DAMC-MOTCTRL board connects via optical cable and shares information upto 6.25 Gbps link rate.

Each DESY ZMX crate can drive up to 16 motors. The interface card that connects the DAMC-MOTCTRL board with DESY ZMX Crate is called ZMX-Connection-Module. In each ZMX+ Crate, there are four of them where each is responsible from generating motion for four motors and handle their statuses and encoder signals. There is only a single optical link to each ZMX+ Crate.

project overview bd

This repository contains several Vivado projects for various FPGAs, Yocto build chain for generating Embedded-Linux for the MPSoC FPGA as well as verification projects that mainly uses UVVM library.

This project uses the open-source FWK Framework developed at DESY to generate/simulate/build the all necessary artifacts. For more information on this framework please visit the FWK Documentation.